The Joint Commemoration will be livestreamed here today. Coverage will include the liturgy in Lund Cathedral and the event in Malm� Arena.
14:30 CET - Common Prayer in Lund Cathedral
16:45 CET - Together in Hope in Malm� Arena
Photos and videos
Photos from the Joint Catholic-Lutheran Commemoration of the Reformation will be made available at the Church of Sweden photo and video libraries during the day of 31 October.
They are made available for use by media, provided they are correctly credited.
Leave fields for username and password blank when opening photo library.
Important information regarding filming
Malm� Arena 31 October
Due to copyright, no videographers or film crew may film the entire Malm� Arena event in one take, nor can they film any parts of the music performances in Malm� Arena. Only short clips (maximum 10 minutes) totalling 30 minutes, including the Pope�s appearances on stage, are permitted.
A video from the arrangement in the arena will be available for download as soon as possible after the event. Due to copyright, Swedish media cannot broadcast more than 15 minutes of the video footage that Church of Sweden will provide. Technical questions concerning broadcast feed from the Malm� Arena event should be sent to: Jakob Bjurstr�m ([email protected]). Questions concerning rights issues, please address: [email protected].
Swedbank stadium 1 NovemberSwedish public television (SVT) owns the rights to film and to broadcast live the Papal Mass at Swedbank stadium on November 1. Videographers and film crew are therefore not allowed to film the mass.
The speeches and homilies by Pope Francis will be translated into all major languages and will be available in the press centers. The speeches and homilies will also be published on the website of the Holy See: and the website of the Catholic Diocese of Stockholm:
Media that wish to cover the Papal Mass need to present an entrance ticket, together with their accreditation badge. The ticket must be collected at the press centre AF-Borgen in Lund on Sunday 30 October.